Audio Course: "Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe"

Audio Course: "Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe"


No doubt you are familiar with Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo-- and not just as mutant reptiles with rad martial arts skills, wink wink. You know these artists as some of the biggest names in Renaissance art who created some of the most iconic works of art of all time. Looking closer, though, and you’ll find another commonality: they are all male artists. What about the great female makers of the Renaissance--where, and who, are they? Join Jennifer Dasal, podcaster, art historian, and author of ArtCurious: Stories of the Unexpected, Slightly Odd, and Strangely Wonderful in Art History (Penguin Books, 2020), in a 20-day course--and a course correction-- exploring 20 women artists from Renaissance Europe. From Sofonisba Anguissola and Marietta Robusti to lesser-known artists like Plautilla Nelli and Levina Teerlinc, this course will lead you through the lives and careers of groundbreaking women who’ve made their marks on art history. 

In this course, audio learners will hear 20 exclusive episodes--each 7-10 minutes in length-- focusing on one artist, her biography, and a discussion of an exemplary work from her career. With this course, listeners will be able to learn the defining characteristics of Renaissance art, the barriers to female education during this time period, and enjoy inspirational tales of highly successful women--some praised widely in their day, and others forgotten through time.


— 22 audio lessons

—PDF with images mentioned in the each lesson, as well as hyperlinked book recommendations

—Course description PDF, including descriptions of each lesson

Please note: As this course is a digital product, it must be downloaded. Customers receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. Don’t forget to download!

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