All tagged italy

Episode #106: Bits of "Breaking Barriers": Properzia de’ Rossi (Season 12, Episode 7)

Today’s subject is a major one: Properzia de’ Rossi, a Renaissance sculptor who was (gasp!) female. Why was this a big deal, why was de’ Rossi a rarity? We dig into the details and learn about the highly masculinized world of sculpture. From Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe, please enjoy “Properzia de’ Rossi: The “Rare Female Sculptor.”

Episode #104: Bits of "Breaking Barriers": St. Catherine of Bologna (Season 12, Episode 5)

Today: Artist-nuns are not rare: just look at the example of the famed Hildegard von Bingen, long praised as one of the first-known female artists. Today, we’re uncovering the story--and the myth--behind St. Catherine of Bologna, a mystical member of the Poor Clares whose artistic talents may (or not!) have been exaggerated. From Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe, please enjoy “St. Catherine of Bologna: The Patron Saint of Artists.”

Episode #103: Bits of "Breaking Barriers": Marietta Robusti (Season 12, Episode 4)

Today: Lots of women artists have gotten a head-start in their careers thanks to their families. Fathers, in particular, often led their remarkable daughters to find great success in the arts, and Marietta Robusti was no exception: her dear old dad was none other than Tintoretto, a Venetian master. But did Tintoretto’s adoration of his daughter hold her back from achieving greater heights? From Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe, please enjoy “Marietta Robusti: Like Father, Like Daughter.”

Episode #101: Bits of "Breaking Barriers": Fede Galizia (Season 12, Episode 2)

Today: She might not have had the backing of royal patrons or the fancy aristocratic connections that Levina Teerlinc and Sofonisba Anguissola had, but Fede Galizia still did well for herself with commissions. And she was an innovator, to boot, often noted as the first-known Italian artist to have completed a still life painting at a time where the genre was not yet fashionable From Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe, please enjoy “Fede Galizia: Early Still-Life Adopter.”

Episode #100: Bits of "Breaking Barriers": Lucia and Elena Anguissola (Season 12, Episode 1)

For this season of ArtCurious, I’m doing something a little bit different. I’m treating you to renditions of eight of my favorite segments from Breaking Barriers: Women Artists of Renaissance Europe, my online course found exclusively at Every other week through January, I’ll share selections from Breaking Barriers, and encourage you that if you like it, you can purchase the whole course. Today, I’m sharing a story about the family of one of the most well-known female artists of the Renaissance. You might know a bit about Sofonisba Anguissola--but how much do you know about her sister, Lucia? And how about another Anguissola daughter? From Breaking Barriers: Women of Renaissance Europe, please enjoy “Lucia Anguissola (and Elena Anguissola): In Their Sister’s Footsteps.”

Live on Fireside: Laura Morelli's "The Stolen Lady"

Did you miss our LIVE bonus show on Fireside, the interactive storytelling platform? Don’t worry— you can catch the replay on Fireside, or enjoy the bonus audio here. In this conversation from early December, I spoke with Laura Morelli, a USA Today bestselling author and art historian who writes amazing historical novels involving the art world. We discussed her background in art history, how she writes and structures her novels, and get into some of the nitty gritty on her latest book, The Stolen Lady, a book about the Mona Lisa that takes place in both the Italian Renaissance and in france during WWII. It is not only a fascinating and engrossing read, but the conversation with Laura herself was absolutely lovely, too--and I hope you enjoy listening in.

A Little Curious #10: Are You A Little Curious... about "Breaking Barriers?"

Are you a little curious about my audio course, “Breaking Barriers: Women Artists of Renaissance Europe”? You’re in luck! Here’s a little update and sneak-peek for those of you who want to know more— and a big thank you to those already registered!

About Breaking Barriers: This is a 21-day course, broken up into daily episodes that are no longer than 10-15 minutes. And naturally, there are no pesky term papers or final exams to worry about-- just cool art history content that you won’t find anywhere else.

Surprise! Join Our Audio Course on Renaissance Women Artists!

It’s a week full of fun surprises over here at “ArtCurious!” Today we’re thrilled to announce that I’ve created an audio course for those looking to explore the world of Renaissance Europe through the eyes of the women artists who thrived there. This course is called “Breaking Barriers: Women Artists of Renaissance Europe,” a 21-day course, broken up into daily episodes that are no longer than 10 minutes. And naturally, there are no pesky term papers or final exams to worry about-- just cool art history content that you won’t find anywhere else.